Monday, October 31, 2011

23 weeks, 6 days: Picture post!

So many things going on!

I had my Zumba Zbaby baby shower last Saturday--I am so speechless.  Those crazy girls got us a travel system w/ carseat from graco, a pack and play, clothes, diapers, baby tub, and more!  I have to seriously get the gift list from Crystal and crank out some thank you notes.

Graco Travel System
Baby Trend Pack n' Play
Super Awesome Diaper Cake
Kevin painted my belly as an "M&M mini"!!

Had a lazy day today.  I almost feel like I wasted my day!  I think I'm just so overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done,  I didn't even know where to start.  The house is a mess, we need to do laundry, finish the floor, continue to get rid of things we don't need, re-organize the kitchen area...bleh.  Plus we desperately need to get our finances in order.  Next week, things are going to be uber uber tight until Kevin gets paid, which is probably NEXT Monday.  It might get a little scary until then! We got the book "The Cheapest Family in America" which is pretty awesome.  It's funny though, most of the things in there are ideas I've kicked around, just never put to use with any consistency.  I guess that's the problem.  I know HOW to be thrifty, we just don't do it.  So we're trying again.  This time, we need to succeed.

Ok, here's my bump @ almost 24 weeks!

Gettin' Big!
I'm at 128 pounds, and feeling lots of movement now.  Today he moved quite a bit--I sat on the couch most of the day, so he was awake lots :)  Yay, Lil' Chicken!

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